San Francisco Bay Area land managers and stewards have the responsibility of caring for one of the most populated, but also most ecologically…
Volume 11 Issue 1

Lidar Data Processing Made Easy
Microdrones’ mdInfinity transforms raw data into powerful results
Plan, fly, process, visualize. These four steps of the drone surveying workflow from Microdrones have guided professionals in fields like surveying, construction, and…
The Next Decade with lidar
LIDAR Magazine interviews keynote presenter James Van Rens, SVP, Riegl USA
The keynote at the Workshop was given by James Van Rens of RIEGL USA. LIDAR Magazine (LM) interviewed James (JVR) and put questions…
The Florida ASPRS Lidar Workshops
9th in series goes virtual
The five Water Management Districts (WMDs) in Florida—Northwest Florida (NWFWMD), St. Johns River (SJRWMD), Suwannee River (SRWMD), South Florida (SFWMD), and Southwest Florida…
Lidar Actors in Florida
Updates from agencies on lidar collections
The workshops traditionally begin with representatives of the five Water Management Districts (WMDs)—Northwest Florida (NWFWMD), South Florida (SFWMD), St. Johns River (SJRWMD), Suwannee…
3D Life in 3D GIS & Digital Twins
Sanborn illustrates the next dimension
Although physicists have recently determined the theoretical possibility of a two-dimensional (2D) universe, most of us are perfectly happy living in our three-dimensional…
UAV Drone Lidar—Improving Point Cloud Data Quality via Smoothing
GeoCue refines data from automotive-grade lidars
Drone lidar—the use of compact, lightweight lidars on small unmanned systems—is an active area of research and commercial development. The use of drone…
Topobathymetric Lidar Fits Well with Hydrographic Survey
Woolpert uses object detection to compare topobathymetric lidar and multibeam sonar in Tonga
In 2018, Woolpert and iXblue teamed up to map the coastline of Tonga in support of nautical charting for Land Information New Zealand…
Elevation-Derived Hydrography
NV5 Geospatial meets the challenges
The exponential growth of lidar coverage across the nation has sparked considerable discussion on how to leverage this data to create Elevation-Derived Hydrography…
Dewberry Assists Federal, State and Local Partners
Recent topographic and topobathymetric lidar projects
Dewberry’s Geospatial Technology and Services has been a gold sponsor of the FL-ASPRS/UF Lidar Workshops since the first one in 2016. The sponsorship…
Optimizing Lidar Collection with Advanced Flight Management
Surdex performs successful Optech G2 dual-lidar acquisition in Arizona
The success of an aerial acquisition project, whether lidar or imagery, depends on taking advantage of acquisition days to turn around the project…
Taking Flight in the Caribbean
Kucera performs lidar survey for Jamaican airport
Some of most interesting yet logistically difficult work for US suppliers of aerial lidar data are flyovers beyond the continental United States. In…
Setting a New Standard for Topobathymetric Surveys
ASTRALiTe facilitates UAV lidar surveys of land-water interface
Water is a vital resource for all cultures, and many people live, work, and play near the intersection between water and land. This…
Seagrass Changes in St. Joseph Bay
Hurricane Michael and biological drivers of change in critical Florida ecosystem
Seagrass’s role in Florida Contrary to their common name, seagrasses are technically marine monocotyledons, which means that they are a flowering plant that…
Mobile Lidar for Roadway Characteristics Inventory
Using mobile lidar for Roadway Characteristics Inventory (RCI) projects seems ill-advised. On deeper examination, however, it’s a viable solution. Based on the name…
‘Virtual’ ASPRS President Jeff Lovin Shares Industry Reflections, Forecast
Woolpert Senior Vice President Jeff Lovin has served as president of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) since March 2020….
From the Editor
ASPRS runs fine virtual conference
The ASPRS 2021 Annual Conference was conducted on Zoom from 29 March to 2 April. This sounds like an endurance test, with sessions…
From the Editor
Florida Open for Lidar Business
The focus of this issue is lidar in Florida. I wrote earlier about the lidar workshops series run by the ASPRS Florida Region…
Random Points
What to Consider When Investing in a Laser Scanner For Your Projects
As a provider in lidar and drone mapping solutions we constantly monitor the lidar scanner market, searching for the perfect laser sensors to…