California’s 1352 kilometers of coastline present varied and challenging mapping environments. These range from the sandy beaches of Malibu to the rocky coasts…
Volume 11 Issue 2

New Views of California’s Forests
Monitoring wildfire hazards with satellites, lidar and AI
I suspect I have a sympathetic audience in these pages when I state that lidar is a premier technology for forest mapping and…
A Rewarding Pyramid Scheme
Portable and accurate UAS lidar targets
Researchers at the University of Florida have been working with UAS lidar for several years. This includes low-level investigation into the sensor and…
Seoul Robotics Makes Lidar Discovery
On 7 January 2021, Seoul Robotics, a Korean start-up, created a stir when it launched Discovery, a first-of-its-kind “plug and play” product in…
Hurricanes Wreak Change on Puerto Rico’s Coasts
Shoreline mapping with time-series topobathymetric lidar
This is a follow-up to an earlier article by the same authors: Karlin, A., R. Miller and A. Nayegandhi, Measuring Maria’s havoc: evaluating…
Combating California Crises with Maps
Bay Area consortia leverage lidar to generate critical detailed mapping
San Francisco Bay Area land managers and stewards have the responsibility of caring for one of the most populated, but also most ecologically…
From the Editor
Remote events really do exceed expectations!
ISPRS, Esri and Photonics Media lay on sumptuous fare
In the last post here I had begun to participate in the XXIV ISPRS Congress 2021 Digital Edition. I am pleased to report…
From the Editor
Transitioning Back
Ample Opportunities from ISPRS and ASPRS
A year ago, I was writing about the high quality of online material, both remote events and commercial webinars, enabling us to remain…
From the Editor
An Abundance of Caution
“They changed their minds, flew off, and into strange vagaries fell…” Guided by Milton’s words from Paradise Lost, we’re gently resuming travel—but it’s…
LAS Exchange
LAS Exchange: LAS Working Group Releases First Public Registry
The meeting of the LAS Working Group (LWG) on 18 January 2021 meeting began with a review of updates to its wiki pages1….
Random Points
If at First You Don’t Succeed…
It’s 2021 and we are many years into the evolution of using drones with high accuracy sensors for surveying and mapping applications. In…