Surveying and mapping technologies have advanced tremendously over the last century, resulting in improved product accuracy. Yet some antiquated practices and processes continue,…
Volume 10 Issue 3

Green Laser is Helping to Save an Endangered Sparrow
Topobathy lidar fits the bill to monitor nesting sites
The Cape Sable seaside sparrow, Ammodramus maritimus mirabilis (Figure 1), one of nine surviving subspecies of seaside sparrows (the Dusky seaside sparrow was declared…
When To Collect New Lidar?
The utilization of lidar has evolved dramatically, as technology has paved the way to higher accuracy, increased point density and lower costs. These…
Repeated Imaging Success in Schiphol
In 2018, Schiphol Airport in The Netherlands recorded 499,444 commercial air flight movements, an average of about 1,350 take offs and landings per…
The Real Advantages of UAV-lidar
Routescene asks its customer FlyThru about lidar experiences
Routescene’s Marketing Manager, Jason Rogers, interviewed Michael May and Ben Bishop from FlyThru1, a Routescene2 customer, whilst on location surveying a proposed cycle…
Quantum Spatial Survives the Pandemic
Service company leads with lidar during tough times
For this installment of Quick Takes, LIDAR Magazine accepted an invitation from Quantum Spatial Inc. (QSI) to interview senior vice president Mark Meade….
From the Editor
Intellectual Journeys
2020 Goes Virtual
We continue to stay home as much as possible and view with apprehension covid-19’s ravages across our country. Nevertheless, we can consume a…
From the Editor
Keep the Home Fires Burning
Many of us continue on lock-down, while the wait for definitive good news seems interminable. Some localities and non-essential sectors of the economy…
Thought Leader
A Billion Points of Light
Exploring with aerial cinema, lidar, and images
When GEO1 interviews potential team members, one of the first questions we ask is how the candidate discovered their passion for the geospatial…
Random Points
Accuracy—Needs Versus Wants
We have a very conservative network accuracy specification of 5 cm RMSE for our True View 410 “utility” grade 3D Imaging System (lidar…
Points & Pixels
Co-Located Events AEC Next, SPAR 3D, and Geo Week Pivot to Virtual Content Series for 2020 Diversified Communications AEC Next, SPAR 3D Expo…