In conjunction with GeoWeek 2022, we’ve opted to celebrate the accomplishments of leaders in our field at the Lidar Leader Awards, a joint…
Volume 12 Issue 1

Winning with UAV-Lidar by Acquisition and Subject Matter Expertise
NV5 well positioned for success
A new venture is formed … Many business travelers must have wondered how to manage the return to normality as covid receded1. My…
Relocate, Reappraise, RECON
Phoenix LiDAR Systems expands growth potential through cost effective lidar
Phoenix LiDAR Systems expands growth potential through cost effective lidar
Top Geospatial Trends to Watch in 2022
Ten pointers from an industry luminary
As we celebrate the end of a difficult year and look ahead to what 2022 holds, many of us are thankful for the…
From the Editor
Survival of the GEDI
On Earth, back on the road
The ASPRS 2022 Virtual Conference kicked off with some inspiriting sessions, including one about high-definition maps for autonomous vehicles, chaired by Qassim Abdullah,…
From the Editor
It’s a good time for lidar
Many of you, I hope, will read this during the Geo Week conferences in Denver in February 2022. At the time of writing,…
Thought Leader
Thought Leader: How Can We Use Lidar on the Moon?
Readers of this magazine already understand the utility of lidar for producing digital terrain models and for autonomous navigation. The same things that…
LAS Exchange
LAS Exchange: LAS Working Group Releases Standard ExtraByte Registry
2021 was not the post-pandemic year we all hoped it would be. As covid fatigue settled in, committee participation and other non-essential work…