Dr. Martin Isenburg, 49, of Rodgau, Germany, committed suicide at his vacation home in Sámara, Costa Rica about September 9th, 2021, after a…
Volume 11 Issue 3

Short-Range Lidar: Opportunities and Challenges
Innovation revolutionizes sensor size
Most people associate lidar with long-range applications: aerial mapping, or those domes atop experimental autonomous vehicles. But lidar’s most exciting story may come…
New Multi-Sensor/Software Combo Poised for Autonomous Driving Market
Neural Propulsion Systems proclaims promising innovation
On 30 January 2021, a draft press release from Bay Area start-up Neural Propulsion Systems (NPS) hit the magazine’s inbox1. The fledgling company…
Why Optical Phased Array is the Future of Lidar for Autonomous Vehicles
Lidar enables the future of AVs—it is a key technology that will help make self-driving cars safe, efficient, and reliable. Until recently, however,…
Cities Branch out to Trim Trees
New workflow tames hazardous vegetation
Dan Hicks, director of operations for the Parks Department in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, oversees several city assets from arenas to forestry. Every…
Accuracy Assessment of the Microdrones mdLiDAR3000DL
Testing sUAS-lidar system for large-scale mapping
Note: See the PDF for more graphics Lidar systems based on small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) are rapidly advancing. This research investigates a Microdrones…
Lisa Murray, Lidar Impressario: Reflections on Collaboration
Diversified Communications’ geospatial lead moves on
Most readers of LIDAR Magazine have attended a Diversified Communications (DC) event, International LiDAR Mapping Forum (ILMF) being the best known. Many of…
Israeli Automotive Lidar Supplier Leapfrogs into Sight
Innoviz lidar’s price point must raise geospatial eyebrows
We have often acknowledged in these pages the difference that lidar suppliers focused on the automotive sector, on both ADAS (advanced driver assistance…
From the Editor
Viva Las Vegas!
Commercial UAV Expo effervesces f2f
Diversified Communications is the very model of a modern conference company, but even its most experienced managers must have harbored slivers of doubt…
From the Editor
Green, Green My Valley Now
Lidar surging in the Bay Area
Richard Llewelyn published the fourth and last novel in his series about life in the mining communities of the South Wales valleys in…
From the Editor
At B.1.617.2’s Mercy
Covid regroups; lidar is SPAC to the future
We had hoped by now to have returned from the pandemic to normal life and the hot summer. Delta, however, has scuppered that…