We have often acknowledged in these pages the difference that lidar suppliers focused on the automotive sector, on both ADAS (advanced driver assistance…
Author: Dr. A. Stewart Walker
Remote events really do exceed expectations!
ISPRS, Esri and Photonics Media lay on sumptuous fare
In the last post here I had begun to participate in the XXIV ISPRS Congress 2021 Digital Edition. I am pleased to report…
Transitioning Back
Ample Opportunities from ISPRS and ASPRS
A year ago, I was writing about the high quality of online material, both remote events and commercial webinars, enabling us to remain…
An Abundance of Caution
“They changed their minds, flew off, and into strange vagaries fell…” Guided by Milton’s words from Paradise Lost, we’re gently resuming travel—but it’s…
Seoul Robotics Makes Lidar Discovery
On 7 January 2021, Seoul Robotics, a Korean start-up, created a stir when it launched Discovery, a first-of-its-kind “plug and play” product in…
ASPRS runs fine virtual conference
The ASPRS 2021 Annual Conference was conducted on Zoom from 29 March to 2 April. This sounds like an endurance test, with sessions…
The Next Decade with lidar
LIDAR Magazine interviews keynote presenter James Van Rens, SVP, Riegl USA
The keynote at the Workshop was given by James Van Rens of RIEGL USA. LIDAR Magazine (LM) interviewed James (JVR) and put questions…
Florida Open for Lidar Business
The focus of this issue is lidar in Florida. I wrote earlier about the lidar workshops series run by the ASPRS Florida Region…
More Postponements
...more time in the Zoom room
This week has brought the sad news – which many of us feared would emerge at some point – that the XXIVth ISPRS…
A New Beginning?
Welcome to 2021. Last year—and, indeed, early this year—we fingered the fabric of democracy, continued to eviscerate the environment, and mismanaged the worst…