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Author: John Russo
Crystal Ball Gazing
Ive heard it said that as we get older the years seem to accelerate. For me, 2013 was no exception. Staring at the…
Building Documentation Industry Speaks Out
Buildings are multi-dimensional and so are the stakeholder groups that are involved in building documentation. Whether they are owner/operators, architects, engineers, contractors, surveyors,…
2013 Predictions – One Point of View
When John Russo at ARC and founder of the USIBD pinged me about my late December blog on predictions for 2013 I had…
Coordinates and BIM
Another scan to BIM modeling project is getting underway and I know it’s just a matter of time before the monster rears its…
Working the Graveyard Shift Literally
It sounded like an interesting job. After all, how many chances do you get to go inside a fully operational coroners office? What…
BIM for ConstructionThe Challenges and Benefits of Implementing BIM during Construction
A 1.233Mb PDF of this article as it appeared in the magazine complete with images is available by clicking HERE
Scanning and Modeling Complex Building Systems for Renovation Work
Historically, complex building systems such as structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical have been very difficult to document with any degree of dimensional accuracy….
Terrestrial Mobile LiDAR Scanning (TMLS) and Static Scanning Combined – Part 1
Much has been written, debated and discussed about the pros and cons of both Terrestrial Mobile LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) Scanning –…
What Does It Cost to Create a BIM As-built?
If you happen to be a service provider who documents buildings it probably wont be long before youre confronted with the inevitable question…