RIEGL is Attending, Exhibiting, and Presenting at TUC, TopoDOT Users Conference, 2016

Immediate Release

Orlando, FL

May 3, 2016

The first TopoDOT Users Conference will be held at the UCF Rosen College campus in Orlando, Florida from May 9 through May 13, 2016. This conference will provide the TopoDOT training and information customers need to maximize the value of their investment in this exciting and rapidly growing technology.

RIEGL will be exhibiting in the Atrium, the Outdoor Space for Technology Demonstrations, and the RIEGL Presentation Room #210. Be sure to come by our exhibit areas to learn about the RIEGL hardware and software and to meet with our team of RIEGL experts.

We will have terrestrial, unmanned and mobileRIEGL instruments out at TUC for you to experience in person. We will have the VZ-400i terrestrial laser scanner and the RiCOPTER unmanned aircraft system on display in the Atrium. We will also have our NEW VMX-1HA mobile system mounted on a vehicle in the Outdoor Space for Technology Demonstrations.

Join us in the Outdoor Space for Technology Demonstrations in the parking lot of the UCF Rosen campus. Look for the big white tent and the NEW VMX-1HA mobile system. Our RIEGL mobile expert will be available Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Friday will be by appointment only. We will be offering demonstration rides all week long! If you would like to schedule a mobile demo ride, please contact Miranda Welky in advance to coordinate.

We will also be presenting during TUC 2016.

Join us Tuesday, May 10 at 8:00 AM in the Auditorium for the Technology Introduction presentation. RIEGL USA’s CEO, James Van Rens, will be presenting the latest in RIEGL technology and the benefits of LiDAR.

We also will be presenting throughout the week in the RIEGL Presentation Room #210. James Van Rens will be presenting on the NEW RIEGL VZ-400i terrestrial laser scanner and how this new, innovative scanner will improve your ROI, project turnaround time, and increase safety on Tuesday, May 10 at 9:00 AM. Tan Nguyen, the Terrestrial Business Development Manager for RIEGL USA, will be presenting "The New RiSCAN Pro Software and the Power of Registration Tools" on Wednesday, May 11 at 2:00 PM and Thursday, May 12 at 11:30 AM.

RIEGL is looking forward to a successful conference and wishes our long-term partner, Certainty 3D, a successful inaugural user conference!

About RIEGL:

RIEGL delivers cutting edge technology in airborne, mobile, terrestrial and the newest unmannedlaser scanning solutions. From your initial purchase, to integration of the systems, as well as training and support, RIEGL stands out as a leader in the industry. The key factor to RIEGL‘s success is providing complete reliability and support to our customers.

As a result of this success, RIEGL is recognized as a performance leader in the mobile mapping, civil infrastructure, airborne scanning, unmanned, hydrographic, bathymetric, mining and terrestrial based industries. Our instruments are well known for their ruggedness and reliability under demanding environmental conditions. RIEGL‘s various 3D scanners offer a wide array of performance characteristics and serve as a platform for continuing "Innovation in 3D" for the laser scanning business.

RIEGL USA, located in Orlando, Florida, serves as the North American center of sales, training, and support for all RIEGL products.

RIEGL: Building Systems, Delivering Performance