LIDAR Magazine

The 9th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT 2015)

Welcome to MMT2015
The 9th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT 2015) will be hosted by the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Australia, in the beautiful harbourside city of Sydney, Australia, from Wednesday the 9th to Friday the 11th December 2015.

Over the past 20 years, the MMT Symposium has been the primary event jointly sponsored by the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), International Association of Geodesy (IAG) and the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG). In addition, for the first time, another two major international organisations, the International Society of Mine Surveying (ISM) and the International Cartographic Association (ICA), Australias Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI), and Spatial Industries Business Association (SIBA), Australian Robotics and Automation Association (ARAA) as well as Australian Network of Structural Health Monitoring (ANSHM) have also offered the official sponsorships to the MMT2015.

The MMT-2015 will be an open forum to discuss the most recent technologies and their applications, to exchange experiences and to promote future research aiming at technological advancement and improved professional practice in the fields related to mobile mapping.

The Symposium will feature the keynote speakers, oral and interactive poster sessions, industry panel discussions, technical case studies; pre-Symposium workshops and a trade exhibition, as well as a variety of entertaining social events.

Call for Abstracts and Special Session Proposals
The MMT2015 Symposium is soliciting abstracts on a wide range of mobile mapping and applications related topics including, but not limited to:
Historical Developments, Current Status and Future Trends; Educational Aspects;
UAV/UAS Photogrammetric Mapping; Geo-referenced Street and Coastal Views;
Feature Extractions; Personal and Pedestrian Navigation;
Semantic Interpretation in Mapping; Image Sequence Analysis;
Real-Time Mapping Technology and Applications;
Indoor/Outdoor Positioning and Mapping; Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM);
Inertial Sensors and Error Modelling; Sensor Integration;
Terrestrial, Mobile and Airborne LiDAR Systems;
3D Flash LIDAR and 3D Cameras; Smart Phones for Positioning, Mapping and Navigation;
Precise GNSS Positioning and Navigation; Geodetic Datum/Reference Frames;
Standard Testing Procedure and Best practices for Mobile Mapping Systems;
Mobile Mapping for:
Modern Cadastral Systems; Local city council land and environmental managements; Geographic Information System (GIS); Building-Information Models (BIMs); Construction Automation; Infrastructure Engineering; Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS); Autonomous Driving; Mining Operations; Precision Farming; Rapid Disaster Relief and Monitoring Applications; Subsurface Utility Mapping; 3D Landscape and City Modeling; Geo-referenced Street and Coastal Views, Reality-Based 3D maps, Location-Based Services (LBS); Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), and so on.

Experts from academia and industry are invited to submit proposals for various special sessions and workshops related to mobile mapping.

How to Submit:
The symposium abstracts/special session proposals must be submitted using the official abstract/special session web form via EasyChair at

Special Session Submissions: 16th June 2015
Symposium abstracts: 16th July 2015 (Notification of acceptance: 6th August 2015)
Full papers to be peer-reviewed: 6th October 2015
Full papers in non-refereed symposium proceedings: 20th November 2015

Scientific Publications for the Symposium
The MMT2015 Scientific Publication Committee will coordinate both peer-reviewed and non-reviewed conference proceedings as well as special issues for the Journal of Surveying Engineering (SCI indexed, published by American Society of Civil Engineers-ASCE).

Trade Exhibition
A trade exhibition, which will be open from Wednesday the 9th to Friday the 11th December, is included in the Symposium registration. MMT2015 will be the largest mobile mapping sensors, systems, services exhibition for the profession in 2015. This is a great opportunity to see the latest products offered by leaders in the field of equipment, services and applications in geospatial positioning, navigation, surveying and mapping.

Registration Fees
Early Bird Registrations (by 18 September 2015): A$680
Normal Registrations (by 18 November 2015): A$760
Late Registrations (after 18 November 2015): A$860
Student/Retiree Registrations: A$360
(More details of registration fee structure will be given at the MMT2015 website)

Many symposium sponsorship opportunities are available and can be viewed on the Symposium web page or contact the Local Organising Committee to receive a copy of the sponsorship prospectus. Sponsorship opportunities can be tailor made to suit your requirements. (see the attached details)

Pre Symposium Workshops
International experts in the field will give relevant workshops to interested participants on Tuesday, 8th December 2015. Further information on the workshops will appear on the conference website.

Organising Team
Symposium Convener/General Chair: Jinling Wang (UNSW Australia)
Chair of Scientific Committee: Norbert Haala (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Chair of International Program Committee: Charles Toth (Ohio State University, USA)
Chair of Industry Advisory Committee: Paul Harcombe (LPI, NSW, Australia)
Chairs of Scientific Publication Committee: Jan Skaloud (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland) and Kai-Wei Chiang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)

Contact Details:
Email:; Mobile: +61 400463668; Fax: +61 2 9385 6139

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