kubit User Workshop: AutoCAD, Point Clouds and Design Automation

Hosted by:
Scott Diaz: Managing Director, kubit USA
Matthias Koksch: Managing Director, kubit GmbH
John Bunn: Technical Sales & Support, kubit USA

The kubit team invites you to take part in our third annual kubit User Workshop just prior to the Spar 2011 Conference at the Woodlands Waterway Marriot Hotel and Convention Center. Whether you are a Spar attendee or not you are free to attend the workshop which will be held at the conference hotel.

Last year we announced our support of the powerful Autodesk PCG engine for handling billions of scan points within AutoCAD and migrated our classic kubit PointCloud tools to be compatible with this engine. We were the first and still remain the only firm providing this functionality.

Our promise one year ago was to begin offering more automated and industry specific design tools for working with cloud data all within the native AutoCAD environment. Watch us follow through on our promise as we showcase our upcoming product release including new, automated plant and piping design tools. You dont have to be a kubit user to want to get more out of your AutoCAD. This is your opportunity to:

  • Learn to Maximize the use of native AutoCAD point clouds
  • Provide feedback for new product features
  • Help direct our next year of development
  • See results from our piping beta testing period
  • Learn a smarter, easier, more affordable way to do piping design from clouds
  • Attendees will also be first to learn about a new kubit product to the scanning community!

When: Monday, March 21 1:00pm 2:45pm
Who can attend: Anyone interested in doing more with point cloud data in AutoCAD

kubit-USA will also be exhibiting at this years Spar 2011 conference at the Woodlands Waterway Marriot Hotel and Convention Center. We encourage you to visit us at booth #44 for a look at what is new with kubit products and strategy for 2011. To learn more about the Spar 2011 conference visit http://www.sparconference.com.