The Power of Social Networks

Of course this blog is living proof of todays topic, but at the risk of straying into the political arena for a brief moment a place we all know is dangerous territory, as a blogger I just could not resist taking note of the incredible power social media is providing to the world. What clearly demonstrated this was an interview on 60 Minutes last night with a Google executive in Egypt, Wael Ghonim.

Wael was one of the organizers of the protests that led to the resignation of Murbarak. He credits social networks like Facebook and Twitter for making this happen, and he believes it will happen in other places. What is so incredible to me about this is the speed at which this occurred. I believe this will go down in history as a seminal moment and it will be remembered forever for the power social networks can bring to the people of a country.

Now the Lady Gaga segment is a different story

I hope you saw this weekends LiDAR video post. I have heard from a couple of readers that they found it quite valuable.