LiDAR for Dummies Now Available

LiDAR for Dummies e-book

LiDAR for Dummies, Autodesk and DLT Solutions Special Edition spells out the basics of LiDAR, including what it is and how it works. Youll learn the main capture techniques along with how LiDAR is used and how it helps you pinpoint different features in the environment.

LiDAR for Dummies addresses the following:

* Get the lowdown on LiDAR find out exactly what LiDAR is and how you can use it in your surveying projects
* How LiDAR Works there are several different LiDAR capture techniques; knowing what they are will help you determine which one you should use
* Working with data LiDAR data sets can come in billions of points; proper extraction and manipulation of LAS data is important

Download the e-book now and find out how calibration works, information about high altitude, low altitude, mobile mapping and terrestrial LiDAR. Also learn about the different processes that the data needs to go through and read examples of data collection projects.