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Author: Paul Tice
Saving Vaudeville – Restoration for a Community
In 2012 I was approached by the Director of theRivoli Theater Restoration Coalitionfrom Pendleton, Oregon. He had seen a few of the point…
Historical Facade Analysis II – Scanning the Castle of Olympia
Growing up, I was enamored with knights, chivalry, swords and castles. I can’t tell you how many times I watched movies about Merlin…
Scan Speak – Approaches to Marketing Laser Scanning Services
Client: "Tell me about 3D laser scanning and how this can be valuable for our project?" Me: "Well," I begin with a few…
Reclaiming Human Habitat in the Gila River Reservation, Arizona (Part 3 of 3)
In my interview with Phil Allsopp, co-founder of Transpolis Global, Inc., I asked him to provide a vision for the future of the…
Reclaiming Human Habitat in the Gila River Reservation, Arizona (Part 2 of 3)
In my last article, I spoke with Phil Allsopp of Transpolis Global, Inc. about their efforts to bring sustainable design and economic opportunity…
Reclaiming Human Habitat in the Gila River Reservation, Arizona" (Part 1 of 3)
In March, 2013 I was afforded the opportunity to laser scan and create DTMs of two properties in the Gila River Reservation about…
The National Register – Archiving Integrity
"Every true history must force us to remember that the past was once as real as the present and as uncertain as the…
More is More – The Density Factor of Remote Sensing
When Paul and I first began work at i-TEN Associates in 2009, we perceived photogrammetry as a soft science, a dying industry, and…
Frank Lloyd Wright – Documenting Design
"Perception is the beginning and the preliminary condition for thinking. One’s own perceptions awaken one’s own conceptions, and these awaken one’s own thinking…