Author: Michael P. Gerlek

Michael P. Gerlek

Michael P. Gerlek... Michael is an independent consultant at Flaxen Geo. Prior to starting Flaxen Geo in 2010, Michael spent over a decade working at LizardTech in various capacities, including Director of Engineering, working on image processing, image compression (MrSID, JPEG 2000), and OGC standards. Michael is very active in the open source geospatial community; he was a founding member of the Open Geospatial Foundation OSGeo and helps to run its Seattle chapter. Prior his geospatial career, he worked in the high performance computing and compiler industry, including jobs at both Tera and Intel and an MS degree at the Oregon Graduate Institute. Michael and his family live on a minor US outlying island in the Puget Sound.
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The PDAL Project

Six months ago in this column, I described libLAS, an open source C++ library that provides classes for reading and writing the various…