Orbit GT Showcases Blurring Tools for Streetlevel Imagery at ILMF, Denver

Lokeren, Belgium, February 11th, 2013. Orbit GeoSpatial Technologies today announces the presentation of all new Blurring tools for Mobile Mapping imagery at this years ILMF in Denver, CO, USA.

Blurring of faces and license plates is an essential element when sharing streetlevel imagery with a broad audience, says Peter Bonne, VP Business Development and Senior Product Manager at Orbit GT. Many countries have privacy-related legislation that requires faces, license plates and other identifiers that can link a person to a location, to be obfuscated in publicly available imagery. Our set of tools includes automated detection, QA and QC, applying blurring at various levels and a workflow based control of error management and updates. The customer can choose either to permanently blur the imagery, or let the Publisher perform this blurring on-the-fly and thus retaining the original image for later corrections if required.

A second level in Orbits blurring tools is a total erase of buildings or areas that are not allowed to be recognized in public imagery, which may be related to military restrictions in some countries.

The Blurring detection and control tools are add-on to the Orbit Mobile Mapping desktop solution, the on-the-fly blurring is add-on to the Publisher solution.

About Orbit GeoSpatial Technologies

Orbit Geospatial Technologies is world leader in solutions for exploiting Mobile Mapping, UAS and Aerial Mapping data in managing, viewing, extracting, publishing, sharing and embedding in workflows. Orbit GT is headquartered in Lokeren, Belgium.

For more information, please contact

Mr. Peter Bonne

VP Business Development

Orbit GeoSpatial Technologies

Industriepark E17, 2021

9160 Lokeren


Phone +32 9 340 5757

Fax +32 9 340 5750
