Creaform Body Digitizers line-up gears up with Geomagic Wrap!

Lvis, May 5, 2011 Creaform, leader in 3D portable optical measurement technologies and 3D engineering services, today announces a new partnership with Geomagic. From now on, CBDs Gemini and MegaCapturor ditigizers will be bundled with Geomagic Wrap12.

Creaform Body Digitizers

The Creaform 3D Body Digitizers adapt to most surfaces and digitize the human body in full color in less than one second, producing results as realistic as a photo!

Geomagic Wrap integrates with and processes data from 3D scanners, providing powerful yet simple to use tools for point cloud and polygon mesh editing. Geomagic Wrap can be used to create, repair and modify STL data to prepare for rapid manufacturing.

Benefits of the partnership

This new package offers Creaforms acquisition speed and reliability, backed up by the power and performance of the Geomagic software, at very attractive pricing.

Webinar CBD Gears up with Wrap!

Learn how Geomagic Wraps functionalities can be used to enhance and complement CBD digitizers features and performance. May 17th, at 10 am (GMT 4:00). Book your seat now!

For more information about the CBD digitizers, visit Creaforms website.

About Creaform

Creaform specializes in 3D portable optical measurement technologies and 3D engineering services. We offer innovative solutions that cover the entire range of 3D applications, including 3D scanning, reverse engineering, inspection, design & engineering and FEA. Our wide range of products and services are intended for industries such as the automotive, aerospace and defense, consumer products, education, heritage preservation, manufacturing, medical care and multimedia.

Creaform has developed and sells the Handyscan 3D line of portable, self-positioning handheld 3D scanners that generate highly-accurate 3D scanning data. Creaform also manufactures and sells the HandyPROBE fully portable arm-free CMM, and the MetraSCAN optical CMM 3D scanner, two systems designed for inspection applications. Moreover, the company offers the Creaform 3D Body Digitizers line-up.

Creaform is an international company with offices in Qubec City, Montral, the United States, France, Germany, China, India and Japan.

Isabelle Roy
1.418.833.4446, ext. 217