Are you working with US FWS NWI data? If so then this document explaining the various classification & map codes is a must have. A series of letter and number codes has been developed to adapt the national wetland classification system to map form. These alpha-numeric codes correspond to the classification nomenclature that best describes the habitat
WETLANDS AND DEEPWATER HABITATS CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM SUBSYSTEM CLASS SUBCLASS |- RB=Rock Bottom 1=Bedrock | 2=Rubble | |- UB=Unconsolidated Bottom 1=Cobble-Gravel | 2=Sand | 3=Mud | 4=Organic | |-- 1=SUBTIDAL----|- AB=Aquatic Bed 1=Algal | | 3=Rooted Vascular | | 5=Unknown | | Submergent | | | |- RF=Reef 1=Coral | | 3=Worm | | | |- OW=Open Water/Unknown Bottom (used on older | maps) M=MARINE--------| | | | |- AB=Aquatic Bed 1=Algal | | 3=Rooted Vascular | | 5=Unknown | | Submergent | | | |- RF=Reef 1=Coral |-- 2=INTERTIDAL--| 3=Worm | |- RS=Rocky Shore 1=Bedrock | 2=Rubble | |- US=Unconsolidated Shore 1=Cobble-Gravel 2=Sand 3=Mud 4=Organic SYSTEM SUBSYSTEM CLASS SUBCLASS |- RB=Rock Bottom 1=Bedrock | 2=Rubble | |- UB=Unconsolidated Bottom 1=Cobble-Gravel | 2=Sand | 3=Mud | 4=Organic | |-- 1=SUBTIDAL----|- AB=Aquatic Bed 1=Algal | | 3=Rooted Vascular | | 4=Floating | | Vascular | | 5=Unknown | | Submergent | | 6=Unknown Surface | | | |- RF=Reef 2=Mollusc | | 3=Worm | | | |- OW=Open Water/Unknown Bottom (used on older | maps) E=ESTUARINE-----| | | | |- AB=Aquatic Bed 1=Algal | | 3=Rooted Vascular | | 4=Floating | | Vascular | | 5=Unknown | | Submergent | | 6=Unknown Surface | | | |- RF=Reef 2=Mollusc | | 3=Worm | | | |- SB=Streambed 3=Cobble-Gravel | | 4=Sand | | 5=Mud | | 6=Organic | | | |- RS=Rocky Shore 1=Bedrock | | 2=Rubble | | |-- 2=INTERTIDAL--|- US=Unconsolidated Shore 1=Cobble-Gravel | 2=Sand | 3=Mud | 4=Organic | |- EM=Emergent 1=Persistent | 2=Nonpersistent | |- SS=Scrub-Shrub 1=Broad-Leaved | Deciduous | 2=Needle-Leaved | Deciduous | 3=Broad-Leaved | Evergreen | 4=Needle-Leaved | Evergreen | 5=Dead | 6=Indeterminate | Deciduous | 7=Indeterminate | Evergreen | |- FO=Forested 1=Broad-Leaved Deciduous 2=Needle-Leaved Deciduous 3=Broad-Leaved Evergreen 4=Needle-Leaved Evergreen 5=Dead 6=Indeterminate Deciduous 7=Indeterminate Evergreen SYSTEM SUBSYSTEM CLASS SUBCLASS |- RB=Rock Bottom 1=Bedrock | 2=Rubble | |- UB=Unconsolidated Bottom 1=Cobble-Gravel | 2=Sand |--1=TIDAL--------| 3=Mud | | 4=Organic | | | |-*SB=Streambed 1=Bedrock | | 2=Rubble | | 3=Cobble-Gravel |--2=LOWER | 4=Sand | PERENNIAL----| 5=Mud | | 6=Organic | | 7=Vegetated | | | |- AB=Aquatic Bed 1=Algal R=RIVERINE------|--3=UPPER | 2=Aquatic Moss | PERENNIAL----| 3=Rooted Vascular | | 4=Floating | | Vascular | | 5=Unknown | | Submergent |--4=INTERMITTENT-| 6=Unknown Surface | | | |- RS=Rocky Shore 1=Bedrock | | 2=Rubble | | | |- US=Unconsolidated Shore 1=Cobble-Gravel |--5=UNKNOWN | 2=Sand | PERENNIAL----| 3=Mud (used on older | 4=Organic maps) | 5=Vegetated | |-**EM=Emergent 2=Nonpersistent | |- OW=Open Water/Unknown Bottom (used on older | maps) |-*STREAMBED is limited to TIDAL and | INTERMITTENT SUBSYSTEMS, and comprises | the only CLASS in the INTERMITTENT SUBSYSTEM. | |-**EMERGENT is limited to TIDAL and LOWER | PERENNIAL SUBSYSTEMS. SYSTEM SUBSYSTEM CLASS SUBCLASS |- RB=Rock Bottom 1=Bedrock | 2=Rubble | |- UB=Unconsolidated Bottom 1=Cobble-Gravel | 2=Sand | 3=Mud | 4=Organic | |-- 1=LIMNETIC----|- AB=Aquatic Bed 1=Algal | | 2=Aquatic Moss | | 3=Rooted Vascular | | 4=Floating | | Vascular | | 5=Unknown | | Submergent | | 6=Unknown Surface | | | |- OW=Open Water/Unknown Bottom (used on older | maps) L=LACUSTRINE----| | | | |- RB=Rock Bottom 1=Bedrock | | 2=Rubble | | | |- UB=Unconsolidated Bottom 1=Cobble-Gravel | | 2=Sand | | 3=Mud | | 4=Organic | | | |- AB=Aquatic Bed 1=Algal | | 2=Aquatic Moss | | 3=Rooted Vascular | | 4=Floating |-- 2=LITTORAL----| Vascular | 5=Unknown | Submergent | 6=Unknown Surface | |- RS=Rocky Shore 1=Bedrock | 2=Rubble | |- US=Unconsolidated Shore 1=Cobble-Gravel | 2=Sand | 3=Mud | 4=Organic | 5=Vegetated | |- EM=Emergent 2=Nonpersistent | |- OW=Open Water/Unknown Bottom (used on older maps) SYSTEM SUBSYSTEM CLASS SUBCLASS |- RB=Rock Bottom 1=Bedrock | 2=Rubble | |- UB=Unconsolidated Bottom 1=Cobble-Gravel | 2=Sand | 3=Mud | 4=Organic | |- AB=Aquatic Bed 1=Algal | 2=Aquatic Moss | 3=Rooted Vascular | 4=Floating | Vascular | 5=Unknown | Submergent | 6=Unknown Surface | |- US=Unconsolidated Shore 1=Cobble-Gravel | 2=Sand | 3=Mud | 4=Organic | 5=Vegetated | |- ML=Moss-Lichen 1=Moss | 2=Lichen | P=PALUSTRINE----------------------|- EM=Emergent 1=Persistent | 2=Nonpersistent | |- SS=Scrub-Shrub 1=Broad-Leaved | Deciduous | 2=Needle-Leaved | Deciduous | 3=Broad-Leaved | Evergreen | 4=Needle-Leaved | Evergreen | 5=Dead | 6=Indeterminate | Deciduous | 7=Indeterminate | Evergreen | |- FO=Forested 1=Broad-Leaved | Deciduous | 2=Needle-Leaved | Deciduous | 3=Broad-Leaved | Evergreen | 4=Needle-Leaved | Evergreen | 5=Dead | 6=Indeterminate | Deciduous | 7=Indeterminate | Evergreen | |- OW=Open Water/Unknown Bottom (used on older maps) MODIFIERS |- A=Temporarily Flooded |- B=Saturated |- C=Seasonally Flooded |- D=Seasonally Flooded/Well Drained |- E=Seasonally Flooded/Saturated |- F=Semipermanently Flooded |--Non-Tidal------|- G=Intermittently Exposed | |- H=Permanently Flooded | |- J=Intermittently Flooded | |- K=Artificially Flooded | |- W=Intermittently Flooded/Temporary (used on | | older maps) | |- Y=Saturated/Semipermanent/Seasonal (used on | | older maps) | |- Z=Intermittently Exposed/Permanent (used on | | older maps) WATER REGIME----| |- U=Unknown | | | | | |- K=Artificially Flooded | |- L=Subtidal | |- M=Irregularly Exposed | |- N=Regularly Flooded |--Tidal----------|- P=Irregularly Flooded |-*S=Temporary-Tidal |-*R=Seasonal-Tidal |-*T=Semipermanent-Tidal |-*V=Permanent-Tidal |- U=Unknown | |-*These water regimes are only used in | tidally influenced, freshwater systems. |- 1=Hyperhaline |- 2=Euhaline |--Coastal |- 3=Mixohaline (Brackish) | Halinity-------|- 4-Polyhaline | |- 5=Mesohaline | |- 6=Oligohaline | |- 0=Fresh | | | WATER CHEMISTRY-| | |- 7=Hypersaline |--Inland |- 8=Eusaline | Salinity-------|- 9=Mixosaline | |- 0=Fresh | | | | |--pH Modifiers |- a=Acid for all |- t=Circumneutral Fresh Water----|- i=Alkaline SOIL------------------------------|- g=Organic |- n=Mineral |- b=Beaver |- d=Partially Drained/Ditched SPECIAL MODIFIERS-----------------|- f=Farmed |- h=Diked/Impounded |- r=Artificial Substrate |- s=Spoil |- x=Excavated U = Uplands
Note: users of the Wetlands Mapper map service can obtain classification codes by using the Wetland Code Interpreter (yellow button) or users can optionally use this online database search form
To download NWI data see
See also