The motor company reduces bird nuisance by 90% and saves $200,000 on bird damage with the innovative laser bird deterrents

AVIX Autonomic Mark II
Incheon, South Korea, 26 October 2022 – Hyundai Steel is a steel-making company headquartered in Incheon and Seoul, South Korea, and a member of the Hyundai Motor Group. Their warehouses are located close to the water which attracts many pigeons to nest and roost at the site. Pigeon presence can result in hygiene and personal safety issues, mechanical and structural damages, as well as clogged drains and ventilation shafts. To prevent these issues, Hyundai Steel has deployed many different bird control methods in the past decade with little success.
The situation turned positive when Ganaindus, a local bird control company and trusted partner of Bird Control Group, introduced the AVIX Autonomic laser bird repellent to the Hyundai Steel. AVIX Autonomic Mark II is a fully automated laser bird repellent manufactured by Bird Control Group that can be programmed to shine a laser beam across predetermined paths. Birds perceive the green laser beam as solid objects and flee immediately when the beam moves toward them. The laser beam doesn’t harm birds.
Hyundai Steel was so satisfied with the bird repelling results that they ordered seven laser bird repellent systems over the past four years to keep their sites safe and bird-free. The results have been incredible, as they reduce bird nuisance by 90% saving $54,000 on bird damage each year.
Mr. Lee, Senior Manager at Hyundai Steel, stated, “We finally met the Bird Control Group’s laser devices through Ganaindus, which have no sound distraction or chemical hazardousness. Their efficacy is so direct, sustainable, and eco-friendly.’’
This successful installation marked the first case of laser bird repellent deployment in Korea.
About Bird Control Group
Bird Control Group provides innovative solutions to keep birds at a distance from agricultural and commercial activities, ensuring a safer working environment and a highly effective way of damage prevention. Customers include Cargill, Coca Cola, Heineken and Google. Bird Control Group operates in more than 100 countries worldwide with offices in the United States and the Netherlands.