Flyability’s latest drone gives users real-time digital replicas of previously inaccessible areas with the inclusion of a LiDAR sensor and the option of including GeoSLAM’s software solution, Connect. The drone is protected by a cage and has advanced collision-tolerance features that allow inspectors to fly it inside dangerous confined spaces like boilers, pressure vessels, and mines.
Thanks to its integration with Connect, the Elios 3 creates survey-grade point clouds. Fitted to the back of the drone, the LiDAR sensor maps the environment in real-time using Flyability’s FlyAware real-time SLAM algorithm.
Powered by GeoSLAM’s established SLAM algorithm, Connect offers a simple and automated way to process point cloud data.
When combined with the survey package, data is processed to an accuracy of 8mm, making it the perfect companion for mapping hazardous environments such as mines and industrial applications including chimneys, production plants, warehouses, silos and tanks.
Processed data can then be viewed in the easy-to-use 3D viewer and exported to industry-standard file types such as .LAZ, .LAS, .PLY and .TXT for use in third-party software.
Commenting on the partnership with Flyability, Matt Haslam, applications engineer at GeoSLAM, said:
The stable structure of the Elios 3, supported by the innovative software developed by GeoSLAM, drives forward Flyability’s aim of delivering autonomous inspections in the future.
For more information on GeoSLAM Connect, visit