Program Accelerates 3D Sensing Product Development and Proliferation

Light Control Metasurface™ (LCM) beam steering chips — now available as part of Lumotive’s Technology Access Program.
Seattle, WA – May 10, 2022 – Lumotive, a leading developer of scalable, all-semiconductor lidar technologies, today announced that its patented Light Control Metasurface™ (LCM) beam steering chips and associated reference designs are now available to a select number of qualified partners via the company’s Technology Access Program (TAP). Used to develop solid-state, software-defined, and cost effective lidar systems for automotive, industrial and consumer products, Lumotive’s LCM chips are core components of the company’s award-winning Meta-Lidar™ Platform. Lumotive’s TAP accelerates product development, and therefore market adoption, by making highly scalable, lidar system building blocks and specialized engineering services available to leading-edge 3D sensing system and product developers.
“Demand for scalable, cost-effective lidar systems continues to explode, driven by application specific requirements in various markets such as autonomous vehicles, smartphones, and robotics,” said Dr. Sam Heidari, CEO of Lumotive. “Increasingly, 3D sensing application performance requirements can only be addressed with a solid-state design approach and making our LCMs and integration expertise available directly to lidar system developers is a natural evolution of our strategy and business model.”
The Lumotive TAP program gives participants several benefits, including:
- An evaluation kit for the LCM chip and associated transmitter
- A reference platform of a complete lidar design for system level evaluation and development
- The Lumotive lidar application programming interface (API) to enable software-defined scanning for evaluation
- Access to performance test data
- Engineering services for technical support, joint requirements analysis and custom product planning
- Opportunity to influence Lumotive’s future product roadmap
“The LiDAR market for automotive and industrial applications is expected to reach $5.7 billion in 2026 from $1.8 billion in 2020, representing a 21% CAGR during this period (1),” said Alexis Debray, Ph.D., Senior Technology & Market Analyst, Emerging Technologies, at Yole Développement (Yole). “Lumotive has developed a key scanning semiconductor technology for 3D real-time LiDAR. This technology will surely contribute to the adoption of LiDAR in the future”.
- LiDAR for Automotive and Industrial Applications report, Yole Développement, 2021
About Lumotive’s LCM Chips
Lumotive’s disruptive Light Control Metasurface (LCM™) solid-state beam steering chips significantly reduce the complexity, cost and size of lidar systems while improving performance and reliability. Leveraging proven and scalable CMOS semiconductor processes, LCM chips eliminate the need for bulky mechanical moving parts that challenge the cost and reliability of traditional lidar devices while delivering new levels of perception, detection and navigation in autonomous systems. Furthermore, LCM technology uniquely enables the industry’s first software-defined lidar capability, allowing the lidar scan pattern, frame rate and resolution to be customized for specific use cases in real time. Enabling a new size/cost/performance standard, Lumotive’s lidar solutions are scalable across applications such as autonomous driving and safety, industrial automation, smart spaces, smartphones, and wearable AR devices.
About Lumotive
Lumotive is a leader in all-semiconductor lidar systems, developing high-performance solutions for consumer electronics, industrial automation, robotics and automotive applications. The company’s Meta-Lidar™ Reference Platform utilizes revolutionary beam-steering technology based on patented Light Control Metasurfaces™ and implemented in standard semiconductor manufacturing processes to deliver an unprecedented combination of best-in-class performance, cost, reliability and size. Lumotive’s LCMs enable the industry’s first software-defined lidar with advanced perception capabilities. The company has received measurable industry acclaim with inclusion in the following rankings: Sensors Converge/Fierce Electronics 2021 Startup of the Year, Built In Seattle’s Best Small Companies to Work For, JMP Securities Efficient Fifty list of the most interesting private companies in industrial and energy technology, and EE Times’ Silicon 100: Emerging Startups to Watch. Lumotive’s Meta-Lidar™ Platform was recently recognized with two CES 2022 Innovation awards, a 2022 SPIE Prism Award, a Business Intelligence Group Excellence in Artificial Intelligence Award, and a prestigious Edison Award. Investors include Bill Gates, Quan Funds and MetaVC Partners.