LIDAR Magazine

Mark Topping Joins Atlantic

Mark Topping AtlanticHuntsville, Ala. (June 7, 2021) –Mark Topping, a leading Lidar technology expert, has joined Atlantic as an Associate Vice President.  In his new role, Topping will lead technological advancement, participate in Atlantic’s research & development activities, and will support Atlantic’s business development team with technical education.  Topping, based in Ontario, Canada, also improves Atlantic’s ability to serve its international clients in Canada and beyond.

In the past 2 years, Atlantic has invested heavily in new sensor technology.  Topping’s direct expertise with these systems will enable Atlantic to improve its data collection and processing capabilities, strengthen existing quality control practices, and focus on developing more impressive data solutions for our clients.

“Having a senior-level Lidar sensor subject matter expert like Mark has been a hole in our organization for several years,” said Brian Mayfield, President and CEO of Atlantic.  “Mark’s knowledge combined with Atlantic’s investments will enable us to improve our upward trajectory in this profession.”

“I have known the senior technical leaders and executive team at Atlantic for many years and consider it an honor to have the opportunity to join this team,” said Mark Topping. “Their commitment to innovation, research and development, and improving every day is contagious.  I look forward to applying my technical leadership to help the team provide the best services possible to our clients.”

Topping has spent his entire career working in technical operations, sensor support, and business development for a leading lidar hardware manufacturer.

About Atlantic
Established in 2005, Atlantic measures the world with a diverse range of geospatial technology. Our focus is on driving innovation. Combining our staff’s thought leadership with leading-edge remote sensing technology, we provide cost-effective, real-world solutions to meet our clients’ geospatial needs on even the most challenging of projects. We are committed to understanding and changing the expectations of our clients through innovative geospatial data solutions. We strive to not only provide high-quality data for our client’s immediate mapping and GIS challenges but to become a valued resource, a partner that will rapidly, accurately, and consistently apply the right technology to achieve a high return on investment. For more information, please visit

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