LIDAR Magazine

Call for Abstract: USIBD’s 2020 Symposium

Tustin, California – December 10, 2019 – The U.S. Institute of Building Documentation (USIBD) is pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for our upcoming 6th Annual Symposium in Chicago.

We are looking for presentations focusing on unique building documentation projects, improved workflows, applications leading to improved ROI, or any other subject that you think would be of interest to the Building Documentation audience.

If you have an interesting or innovative topic, we want to hear from you!

Submission Deadline: December 15, 2019

Submit Here

Submission Specifications:

  1. Length: 300 words, more or less
  2. Include: your name, title, and a brief bio (300 words) about you to establish your expertise.
  3. Your contact information: firm name, telephone number, and email address.
  4. Include all this information on a Word document, and send as an attachment to the contact link above.
  5. Session lengths will most likely be 60 minutes, with the possibility of 90 minute sessions. Please indicate the length of time yours would last.  If shorter, please submit in any case.

Do you have information that could be leveraged to more than one audience?
Consider submitting your abstracts for sessions directed at service providers, which will help them up their game as professionals, and/or for sessions directed at those stakeholders who need to use Building Documentation, but possibly aren’t yet using it, and may not see what the benefits of Building Documentation data can provide them, who may not be using Building Documentation to its fullest, that will help them improve their worklife.

NOTE: Presentations will not be considered that are purely designed as marketing for services or hardware/ software products. USIBD maintains a policy of agnosticism and interoperability in regard to any tools used in the Building Documentation industry.

The U.S. Institute of Building Documentation (USIBD) is the Leading Resource in Building Documentation Industry.

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