Hexagon announces HxGN Content Program imagery is now available directly through the General Services Administration (GSA). Imagery, such as this aerial capture of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., USA, can be downloaded or streamed for purchase from GSA.
(Washington, D.C., Oct. 2, 2018) – Hexagon’s Geosystems Division, the smart digital realities provider, announced today the HxGN Content Program’s imagery is now available to government agencies directly through the General Services Administration (GSA).
Government agencies at the federal, state or local levels can now purchase high-quality aerial imagery content via subscriptions to a streaming service or physical pixel delivery for download. The imagery content is available directly in the application of choice through Open Geospatial Consortium (OGS), Web Map Services (WMS) and Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) protocols. The professional four-band (RGBN) orthorectified 15- and 30-centimetre imagery content meets conventional mapping accuracy requirements enabling use in many applications that in the past were only serviced by contracting for such products.
“Enabling our government customers to purchase directly through GSA offers a fast, flexible and cost-effective procurement solution to meet operational challenges,“ said John Welter, Hexagon’s Geospatial Content Solutions president. “With a significant increase in demand and continual refresh of the imagery content, we wanted to ensure it was easily available through our new offering with GSA.”
Quality control by experts
Launched in June 2014, the HxGN Content Program provides valuable geospatial content and delivers professional-grade airborne images captured with Leica Geosystems’ airborne sensors, including enhanced-resolution, four-band orthos and stereo imagery. The imagery data is processed by experienced photogrammetry professionals using the latest processing technology to meet conventional mapping standards and deliver an exceptional product. Independent quality control is then performed to ensure accuracy specifications are achieved.
The imagery content is refreshed on a regular schedule of no more than two years, and data capture of entire states is done within one flying season. Current coverage includes the entire continental U.S., Puerto Rico, and portions of Canada and Europe.
To view the most current status of the HxGN Content Program’s data availability and acquisition, please visit hxgncontent.com and follow us @HxGNContent.
A full list of HxGN Content Program ortho-rectified aerials are available through GSA at https://www.gsaadvantage.gov/advantage/s/search.do?q=0:2HXIP&db=0&searchType=0
About Hexagon
Hexagon is a global leader in digital solutions that create Autonomous Connected Ecosystems (ACE), a state where data is connected seamlessly through the convergence of the physical world with the digital, and intelligence is built-in to all processes. Hexagon’s industry-specific solutions leverage domain expertise in sensor technologies, software, and data orchestration to create Smart Digital Realities™ that improve productivity and quality across manufacturing, infrastructure, safety and mobility applications. Hexagon’s Geosystems Division, produces technologies that capture, measure and visualise data to enable smart digital realities that support ACEs. Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) has approximately 19,000 employees in 50 countries and net sales of approximately 3.5bn EUR. Learn more at hexagon.com and follow us @HexagonAB.