LIDAR Magazine

Indoor Reality Announces Time Lapse Mode for 3D Virtual Walk-through of Buildings

Berkeley, California, July 17, 2017 Indoor Reality announced today the latest update to its 3D mobile mapping solution time lapse view of indoor spaces. In doing so, Indoor Reality turns its remote operated system into a virtual time machine, allowing users to see how interior spaces under their control have changed over time. Now, superintendents and project managers can see and monitor progress during construction by clicking the Time Travel button in Indoor Realitys 3D web-viewer, said Founder and CEO, Avideh Zakhor.

Existing approaches prior to this involved making sure pictures and 3D information were captured from the same vantage point during successive acquisitions. This is extremely time consuming and certainly prone to error.

With the new time lapse capability, multiple captured data sets of the same space can be painlessly aligned to allow the user to easily discern changes over time, Zakhor said, among other benefits, this enables a more quantitative payment method for subcontractors and owners alike. Another important use case weve identified, is for insurance companies who might have a vested interest in visualizing a space before and after a loss such as fire, flood, theft, or other disasters.

Accessible within the Indoor Reality Web-viewer, the Time Travel function is available now to all customers currently working under an active PROJECT Manager Data Service plan and/ or PROJECT Visualization subscription.

About Indoor Reality
Founded in 2015, Indoor Reality is headquartered in Berkeley, California, USA. Indoor Realitys patented hardware and software platforms provide a complete solution for fast, automated, and visual documentation/ 3D mapping of buildings and assets. For more information about Indoor Reality, visit:

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