From The Editor: A Better Understanding

A 305Kb PDF of this article as it appeared in the magazine complete with images is available by clicking HERE

With another successful ILMF on the books, you may be reading this at IGTF (ASPRS) or SPAR 3D. The Geospatial community is anticipating next year’s joint event between ILMF and ASPRS which will feature a single exhibit hall and inclusive social activities, giving attendees access to much more geospatial solutions and networking opportunities.

On the aerial side, there is much to be excited about: Geiger Mode LiDAR and Single Photon LiDAR, USGS 3DEP Program, vegetation management standard FAC-003-3 for electric utilities and new applications and opportunities coming from the advent of the use of drones in mapping and surveying.

In this issue, CHUCK KNOX explains how faults, fractures and sub surface features buried in many cases thousands of feet below the surface of the Earth are very important to the petroleum geologist in his article "Using LiDAR as an Oil and Natural Gas Exploration Tool" and JEFF COZART evaluates "The Effectiveness of Drone-Based LiDAR" as Juniper Unmanned conducted an empirical study at its testing facility in Colorado.

There have been many articles over the years regarding LiDAR geometric accuracy and particularly vertical accuracy. It continues to be a relevant topic of discussion based on the continued changing LiDAR technology. JAMIE YOUNG provides an expert’s opinion in "What Drives Geometric Accuracy, a Provider’s Perspective–Boring?" It’s not boring but an important read if you are in the aerial LiDAR business.

The tremendous growth and awareness of 3D technologies such as laser scanning, reality capture and scan-to-BIM will drastically increase as the requirement for accurate, high definition as-built, "as-is" digital data to populate BIM and this market is set to grow to $6.5 Billion worldwide by 2020.

Our cover story by KEVIN CORBLEY illustrates how industrial plants may be the most challenging spaces for 3D scanning and modeling service providers to work. He provides "16 TIPS to Enhance the Speed and Quality of Your Next Industrial Scanning & Modeling Project. LARRY TROJAK continues the laser scanning theme with "his article "A Force to be Reckoned With: Laser scanner takes British Columbia engineering firm to a whole new level."

A 305Kb PDF of this article as it appeared in the magazine complete with images is available by clicking HERE