LIDAR Magazine

Coalition of Geospatial Organizations (COGO) Announces the Release of the Report Card on the U.S. National Spatial Data Infrastru

BETHESDA, Md., Feb. 11, 2015 The Coalition of Geospatial Organizations (COGO) announces the release of its Report Card on the U.S. National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) that depicts the condition and performance of the nations geospatial infrastructure which includes surveyed, mapped and remotely-sensed information.

The report card was developed by an expert panel chaired by The Honorable James E. Geringer, former Governor of Wyoming, with Dr. David J. Cowen, John J. Moeller, Dr. John D. Bossler, Susan Carson Lambert, The Honorable Tom D. Rust, and The Honorable Robert T. Welch. COGO initiated this effort in 2009 by securing the commitment of the expert panel members who worked on a volunteer basis to produce this report.

As stated in the reports foreword, COGO recognizes the individual contributions of all Federal, state, regional, tribal, and local government agencies that have worked in concert with the private and academic sectors to develop the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) as it exists today. This work has spanned entire careers, and COGO applauds the sincerity of their efforts and the value of their contributions.

ASPRS is a member organization of COGO, with an overall representation of approximately 170,000 individual geospatial practitioners. Together, the coalition is delivering this assessment to help Congress, the Administration, Federal agency executives, and others understand the importance of geospatial data to the nation, as well as shortcomings of the NSDI.

Michael Vanhook, COGO Chairman, stated Federal agencies have worked for many years to improve their geospatial programs, but the COGO member organizations believe that the national data sets and delivery systems (the NSDI) generally need improvement. It is time for the Federal government to more effectively engage the entire stakeholder community to ensure that America has the highest quality geospatial infrastructure. Doing so will allow us to more efficiently and effectively deal with societys needs, and to reduce duplication of effort.

The Report Card on the U.S. National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) may be found here

A coalition of 13 national professional societies, trade associations and membership organizations in the geospatial field, COGO represents more than 170,000 individual producers and users of geospatial data and technology. The stakeholder groups that make up COGO speak with one voice wherever possible on geospatial data and policy issues. In accordance with its operating procedures, COGO only takes public policy positions with a unanimous vote of its member organizations.

Founded in 1934, ASPRS is an international professional organization of geospatial information professionals. ASPRS is devoted to advancing knowledge and improving understanding of the mapping sciences to promote responsible application of photogrammetry, remote sensing, geographic information systems and supporting technologies.

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