LIDAR Magazine

New Release of Bentley Map Brings Information Mobility to the Forefront with Expanded Interoperability

Bentley Map SELECTseries 4 brings engineering and geospatial data closer together through improved interoperability with Esri File Geodatabase, Oracle 12c, CityGML, Bing Maps, and hybrid point-cloud and vector workflow support.

Bentley Maps SELECTseries 4 provides us the ability to use OGC standards to facilitate integration between technologies with a single user interface, said Geraldine Kavanagh, Ordnance Survey Ireland. This improved interoperability allows us to exchange intelligent models and other GIS formats with ease. Bentley Map streamlines our workflow saving us a tremendous amount of time.

This expanded support for interoperability is extremely beneficial for the industry because more types of data can be leveraged throughout the entire project lifecycle. It eliminates redundant workflows and provides collaboration between geospatial and engineering standards to better support multi-discipline project teams. Users can connect directly to the Esri File Geodatabase and automatically create and exchange both CAD/engineering-standard and GIS-compliant files. This improved interoperability connects valuable geospatial data with engineering, point-cloud, and LiDAR data, allowing stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle to leverage information that already exists. This ability to reuse data cuts costs and saves time.

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