IGTF 2015 Abstract Submission Form Now Open

The abstract submission form for the IGTF 2015 Annual Conference is now open. It is hyperlinked to the main page of ASPRS.org and linked on the Call for Abstracts page of the conference website: http://conferences.asprs.org/ index.php/2015-call-igtf/igtf- 2015-abstract-form. There is only one abstract submission form at this time for technical session abstracts. The workshop abstract form is still under construction, but I expect that to be ready on Monday and I will post the workshop form as soon as possible.

I have tested the form a number of times and things seem to be working well. The only issue is with the co-authors emails. At present co-authors will not receive confirmation emails of the submission of an abstract. However, authors and presenters do receive the confirmation emails. Co-authors have not received confirmations in the past either, but it has been something members have requested. I will continue to work with Suzanne to see if the co-authors issue can be resolved.

The official open date for the abstract form is tomorrow, Saturday, January 10th. I plan to send an email to the general ASPRS database on Monday or perhaps on Tuesday with the newsletter whichever is deemed best.

Please remember, ALL abstracts for the conference need to be submitted through the abstract form. This is the best way to compile all abstract information and more importantly, all speaker contact information and affiliations.