Brescia, Italy, March 3, 2014 – CAM2 (group of FARO Technologies, Inc.) & Gexcel present the Italian event "New equipments and technologies for open pit mines survey" in order to show the benefits coming from the new hardware and software technologies and from the integration between laser scanner and
GNSS/Total station data.
JRC 3D Reconstructor Mining software is a dedicated solution for surveyors that need to manage laser and UAV topographic data of mining sites and tunnels. 3D points surveyed by GNSS or total station can be also easily combined with LiDAR data, using the same large format East, North cartographic coordinates systems (i.e. UTM WGS84). The data process is supported by easy tools that allow the extraction of contour lines, crest&toe (mines break lines), DTM generation, volumes and cut&fill evaluation with printable PDF reports, cross sections, coloured elevation maps. GeoTiff coming from UAV acquisitions can be easily managed to create high resolution orthophotos and textured DTMs. All the processes are guided
thanks to a step by step wizards and the deliverables are CAD compatible.
During the conference, surveyors, technicians and professionals will describe practical experiences, realized in the Brescia area (one of the most important mining site in Italy), where the laser scanner usage has simplified and reduced time and costs of survey activities in quarry environment. The full compatibility between the Focus3D X 330 laser scanner, the Scene software and the Gexcel JRC 3D Reconstructor Mining software will be shown using real examples coming from sites of the Brescia area.
The event will be held in Brescia (Italy) on March 20, 2014 (<http://gexcelmedia.blogspot. it/2014/03/press-release- farocam2-gexcel-present.html>Visit the webpage on the Gexcel Blog – < news-events/events/all-events/ 2014/03/20/default-calendar/eventocam2gexcel- nuovi-strumenti-e-tecnologie- per-il-rilevamento-in-cave-a-cielo-aperto- brescia-20.03.2014>Access
the free-of-charge registration)
About Gexcel
Gexcel has a rich history spanning more than 10 years of proven fully featured lidar and imagery analysis software packages with the JRC 3D Reconstructor and gexcel R3, completely compatible with all the terrestrial, mobile and airborne scanners data formats. Gexcel Srl was established in 2007 from the academic know-how of the University of Brescia (Italy) and the applied research achievements of the European Joint Research Centre (JRC), located in Ispra (Italy). Gexcel Srl is proud to support all major standard formats such as the ASTM E57 and LAS.
For further information, please contact:
arch. Giorgia Rossi
International Sales Manager | Gexcel Srl
+39 030 65 95 001
Gexcel Sales & Marketing
Tel +39 030 65 95 001
Central Administration | Sales Office
Gexcel Srl c/o CSMT
Via Branze 45, I-25123 Brescia | Italy
Tel +39 030 6595001 | Fax +39 030 6595020
Registered Office | R&D Lab
Gexcel Srl c/o Polaris Technology Park
Loc. Piscinamanna, I-09010 Pula (CA) | Italy Tel +39 070 92432643
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