VRMesh v8.0 Released for Point Cloud and Mesh Processing

Jan. 30th, 2014 – VirtualGrid is pleased to announce the availability of VRMesh v8.0, the latest version of its powerful 3D point cloud and mesh processing software. VRMesh provides cutting-edge solutions for automatic point cloud classification, feature extraction, and accurate triangle mesh generation. This new release has mainly focused on improving workflow efficiencies of VRMesh Survey and VRMesh Reverse, with the aim of enhancing the usability of VRMesh in urban planning and civil engineering construction.

In VRMesh Survey module, new features are added to automatically detect railways and curbs in LiDAR point clouds. Grid surface can be exported as Esri ASCII Grid format for use in downstream applications. Meanwhile, building roof identification has been enhanced. Building footprint extraction becomes more accurate.

In VRMesh Reverse module, point cloud decimation has been speed up and also reorganized to make more uniform distribution of points on flat regions. The process of point cloud triangulation has been significantly improved.

With these new and enhanced capabilities, VRMesh becomes the most powerful point cloud and mesh processing software in current market. Our customers come from many fields such as defense, transportation, urban planning, architecture, mining, manufacturing, gaming, etc.

For more information or to download a free demo version, please visit our website www.vrmesh.com.

About VirtualGrid:

VirtualGrid is the developer of VRMesh, an advanced 3D point cloud and mesh processing software tool. We focus on LiDAR remote sensing, reverse engineering, and rapid prototyping industries.