LIDAR Magazine

Innovtec on Winning Team at [acronym] Magazine Public Sector CAD Awards

Innovtec laser scan data accelerated BIM creation and proved project feasibility

Walnut Creek, CA, (February 19, 2013) Innovtec announced today that its effort as part of the Lockheed Martin / Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Integration Support Contract (NISC) Program team were rewarded as the project resulted in receiving First Prize in the 2013 Second Annual [acronym] Magazine Public Sector CAD Awards in the Federal Government / Contractors Category announced recently.

The [acronym] Magazine Public Sector CAD Awards honors the most creative and innovative users of digital design technology in the public sector. In particular, the magazine reviewed ways in which technologies such as computer-aided design (CAD), visualization and modeling software are transforming the way government agencies improve the performance of their agency and enhance the delivery of citizen-centric services.

Innovtec provided the laser scanning, TruView generation, and photo documentation service to the program team which delivered a high level of detail that the creators of the BIM then used to generate the award-winning submission. Other members of the winning team were: EcoDomus, Beck Technology, Archibus, TMA Systems, Schneider Electric, ESRI and Autodesk.

The basis for the scanning deliverables provided by Innovtec was to verify and confirm the existing elements of the facility. The Lockheed-Martin team utilized the data provided to enhance their model by integrating the post-construction installed FAA equipment not included in the original drawings. The scan data confirmed architectural and structural discrepancies between the drawings and the as exists conditions. Subsequently, these corrections were made to the final model to ensure a true representation of the facilities interior and exterior.
Innovtec was pleased to be asked to provide these valuable services for the Lockheed Martin team. The award recognition validates the use of these technologies to provide organizations such as the FAA the information needed to make swift informed responses and critical decisions regarding their facilities with confidence. Lance Olsen, Vice President of Business Development at Innovtec, Inc.

Team leaders Lockheed-Martin successfully delivered on a mission to provide critical professional, technical, and planning assistance to FAA organizations supporting the existing FAA National Airspace System (NAS), as well as organizations tasked with the planning, development, and integration of Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) into the current NAS. The FAA was interested in how Building Information Modeling (BIM) could benefit the agency. FAA tasked the NISC team led by Lockheed Martin to deliver a proof of concept to demonstrate the lifecycle benefits of BIM.

Complete details on the award and winners in other categories are located here.

About Innovtec:

Innovtec is among North America’s leading laser scanning to 3D Model and BIM providers. The Innovtec team members have completed over 50 major laser scanning projects internationally, including over 30 projects specific to the aviation industry, in such facilities as Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), Orlando International Airport (MCO), Banner Baywood Medical Center and the Pier 15 Exploratorium (San Francisco).

Ron Aarts, CEO of Innovtec, spoke at The SPAR Europe World Forum in The Hague, Netherlands on Tuesday, November 13th, 2012. A link to Mr. Aarts profile and information on the content of his speaking engagement is here:

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