LIDAR Magazine

New 4D/5D Visualization Software

Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. has released a full-featured version of its Makai Voyager geospatial visualization software at Version 1.2 enables users to import and visualize their own scientific and GIS data in a Google Earth-like viewer.

KAILUA, HAWAII Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. has released a free trial version of its geospatial visualization software, Makai Voyager. This release represents a leap forward in advanced volumetric data visualization and analysis. Individual or group licenses are available on Windows (32- and 64-bit), Linux, and Mac OS X.

Originally developed for the US Naval Oceanographic Offices large ocean models, Makai Voyager enables users to import, fuse, view, and analyze large earth, ocean, and atmosphere scientific data as it is collected or simulated in a global geo-referenced GIS platform. The key differentiator of Makai Voyager is its level-of-detail (LOD) technology that enables users to stream big data rapidly over a network or the web.

Features in Version 1.2:

Preprocessing LiDAR, GIS, & volumetric data from common formats into streamable files;

Volume rendering for large 4D (3D + time) data, such as NetCDF;

Analysis tools & customizable graphs;

WMS and other streamable formats;

See example project videos at, or download the full-featured 30-day trial of Makai Voyager today at!

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