LIDAR Magazine

VRMesh Library Available for Point Cloud Classification and Triangle Meshing

Oct. 9th, 2012 VirtualGrid announces the release of VRMesh library, providing advanced technologies for point cloud classification, triangle meshing, and mesh editing. These technologies can be used in a wide range of industries such as land surveying, manufacturing, medical and dental, etc. Our goal is to give you advanced technologies at an affordable price to build better quality applications in less time, help you succeed, and win in your market.

VRMesh library consists of three parts:

VRMesh-Survey: provides automatic point cloud classification and feature extraction tools, working well under extreme variations in terrain, no matter the data is gathered from steep slopes covered with dense vegetation or areas where there is very few ground points available.

VRMesh-Wrap: provides point cloud clean-up and triangulation tools, handling large datasets with high accuracy and efficiency.

VRMesh-Editing: provides powerful mesh repair and editing tools, allowing practitioners to easily prepare STL files for 3D printing.

VRMesh library is written in C++,compiled as DLL files, and compatible with Microsoft Windows. The input and output (I/O) methods are left open to your application. We welcome enquiries from companies interested in adding or integrating our technologies with their products and solutions. Please contact us for complete details and scheduling.

About VirtualGrid:
VirtualGrid (/ is the developer of VRMesh, an advanced 3D point cloud and mesh processing software tool. We focus on LiDAR remote sensing, reverse engineering, and rapid prototyping industries.

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