Fabricating.com Reaches First Industry Adoption Milestone with 500 New Members

New Online Sourcing Platform for U.S. Buyers and U.S. Suppliers Growing to Meet Market Needs

Hoboken, NJ August 7, 2012 Fabricating Partners, Inc. today announced Fabricating.com has reached its first industry adoption milestone of 500 members. Fabricating.com is the manufacturing industrys new online Request for Quote (RFQ) Marketplace for US Buyers and U.S. Suppliers. Their new sourcing platform was launched in June 2012 to help engineers, purchasing professionals, and buyers build U.S. Supplier networks and manufacture made-to-order parts. Fabricating.com supports more than 250 manufacturing disciplines including machining, sheet metal fabricating, thermoforming, and much more. Fabricating.com requires no IT setup, software installations, or maintenance. Buyers only need Internet access and a standard browser to source from any location.

In addition to their Sparks Fly marketing campaign, Fabricating.com also launched an All American Kick-off Celebration in July and August for newly registered members. Two winners of iPad 3s will be announced on September 3rd.

We have already surpassed expectations for membership growth on our path to full industry adoption, states Frank Russo, CEO of Fabricating.com. Since our launch in June, our membership base has reached 500 U.S. Buyers and Suppliers who are now quoting, collaborating, and producing custom parts and assemblies…all made here in America. RFQ postings are on the rise, and quote turnaround time is very fast. Fabricating.com is laser focused on becoming the de facto standard for custom-made, American-made products.

Helping Buyers Build U.S. Supplier Networks

Fabricating.coms SourceNow platform is engineered for maximum throughput of RFQ (Request for Quote) requirements. The system analyzes part details from a Buyers RFQ and locates US-based contract manufacturers with the expertise and machine assets needed for the job. Suppliers use the same streamlined, paperless system to quote for business. The sourcing platform adheres to the newest Web standards and provides support for CAD files, Excel spreadsheets, and other popular engineering file formats. The solution can also be integrated with Buyside enterprise applications, and provides a central point for all sourcing intelligence with a host of management tools and analytics for any size purchasing department.

Helping U.S. Suppliers Fill their Business Pipeline

The Fabricating.com marketplace provides RFQ opportunities for U.S. Suppliers who want to build a customer pipeline or expand their current client base. The sourcing system analyzes each RFQ posted online by Buyers, then flags the Supplier when an opportunity precisely matches their expertise, capacity, and machine assets. Based on detailed engineering drawings and documentation provided, Suppliers use the same paperless system to quote for the job. A strategic business development tool, Fabricating.com can also be utilized to manage quotes, standardize procedures, and diminish the headache of missing engineering drawings and documents.

About Fabricating.com

Fabricating.com develops the SourceNow platform and online marketplace for U.S. Buyers and U.S. Suppliers engaged in the sourcing process to produce products, parts, and assemblies. The company provides a centralized, secure solution for the Request for Quote (RFQ) process, and supports the exchange and communication of information needed for custom manufacturing. The intelligent SourceNow platform analyzes part details from an RFQ and locates US-based contract manufacturers with the expertise and machine assets needed for the job. Fabricating.coms R&D, sales and marketing, and customer service center is located at its headquarters in Hoboken, NJ. For more information, call (201) 345-5229 or learn more at www.Fabricating.com.