LIDAR Magazine

FARO Announces New Solution for Publishing, Analyzing Scan Data Over The Internet

WebShare V4.9 enables remote users to view laser scanning projects for unprecedented data sharing capability

Lake Mary, FL (October 25, 2011) FARO Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: FARO), the worlds leading provider of portable measurement and imaging solutions announces WebShare V4.9, a free upgrade to its popular SCENE Software product. For the first time, users of the companys laser scanning software will be able to analyze and share data captured with their Laser Scanner Focus3D with others, remotely, via the Internet.

Using WebShare V4.9, , scanning projects can be quickly published to the web with a single mouse click and viewed securely by others on most standard web browsers . New features like the overview map and panorama view provide ideal tools for measuring and analyzing distances and surfaces. Documentation Objects allows users to add information and hyperlinked documents to scanning projects from within the panorama view function.

Were excited to announce the release of this latest upgrade to FARO SCENE, WebShare V4.9, explained Jay Freeland, CEO of FARO Technologies. Were committed to making laser scanning easier and more accessible. The softwares new features and intuitive interface combine to make this one of the most powerful solutions for the capture and analysis of laser scanning data. Best of all, FARO makes these new enhancements available to current users without any added investment costs.

A demo version of FARO SCENE WebShare and all of its new features is available now at Current users of FARO SCENE software may download their free upgrade at

About FARO

FARO develops and markets computer-aided coordinate measurement devices and software. Portable equipment from FARO permits high-precision 3D measurement and comparison of parts and compound structures within production and quality assurance processes. The devices are used for inspecting components and assemblies, production planning, inventory documentation, as well as for investigation and reconstruction of accident sites or crime scenes.

Worldwide, approximately 11,000 customers are operating more than 20,000 installations of FAROs systems. The companys global headquarters is located in Lake Mary, Florida, with its European head office in Stuttgart, Germany and its Asia/Pacific head office in Singapore. FARO has branch locations in Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Netherlands, India, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Japan.

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