Angles are mostly acute and obtuse,
Bearings in snowstorms are easy to lose.
Compass is useful by day and by night,
Degrees can be turned to the left or the right.
Errors are sometimes not easy to find,
Foresight is seldom as perfect as hind.
Gridlines will help to plot traverses by,
Horizon is where the earth meets the sky.
Inches are twelve in an architects foot,
Jacobs staffs used to be made out of wood.
Kicks are received by the slow in the rear,
Longitude separates Greenwich from here.
Measurements tell us the size of the town,
Nadir is seen only if you look down.
Offsets are needed to miss a big tree,
Plumb bobs work best if allowed to hang free.
Quadrants of sections not often are square,
Random lines cannot be run evrywhere.
Sextants have nothing in common with sex,
Tripods are gadgets with only three legs.
Units are standards of distance or time,
Vertical circles can sometimes be prime.
Witness points save a location the best,
X is the axis that runs east and west.
Y use a wye? Use a Dumpy instead,
Zenith is located straight overhead.