Over the years we’ve provided pointers and descriptions of many fine GIS Spatial Data repositories and data clearinghouses. However, many resources change location, upgrade their servers etc… leaving behind dead links all over the web. Enter our 2009 State GIS Data Clearinghouse Directory – if you have a pointer to a better State resource than listed here please share with us so we can update the directory. This is hands-down, THE best resource around to point you to State GIS Data nodes…
Alabama – The Geological Survey of Alabama (GSA) with support from the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) has developed and maintains a National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Isite Node of the National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse that houses metadata and geospatial data sets archived by the GSA and State Oil and Gas Board. See also http://www.alabama.gov/portal/index.jsp and Virtual Alabama from Alabama DHS
Alaska – Alaska Geospatial Data Clearinghouse from the USGS
Arizona – The Arizona Geodata Portal. The Portal is maintained and hosted by the Arizona State Cartographer’s Office. The Portal is designed to provide GIS users with links to Internet map services, FGDC compliant metadata, and geospatial data downloads. Search for Census data, imagery, transportation data layers and much more (more than 108 data layers)
Arkansas – GeoStore from the Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST) at the University of Arkansas. The name GeoStor refers to a comprehensive, web-based geodata delivery system. Find data, use the map viewer, or download rasters via FTP. For a total score, raster data products are available directly via this FTP server. Users will find access to direct downloads of: 6 inch orthos, historic map composites, NAIP data (2008), stet DOQQs (1 m res. GeoTIFF and Mr SIDs, collared and no-collar DRGs (24k) and much more – For more Arkansas data links see here
California – The California Geospatial Clearinghouse – Cal-Atlas site facilitates the coordinated and sustainable development, maintenance, licensing and sharing of geospatial data and web map services by California government agencies, partners and stakeholders. California government agencies work with the California GIS Council, regional GIS collaboratives and the broader California GIS community to define the data architecture, systems, standards, agreements and processes for a fully integrated and effective California Spatial Data Infrastructure. discover, download and contribute data.
Colorado – State of Colorado GIS Portal where you can find information about spatial data available and GIS activities and developments in the state.
Connecticut – The Connecticut State Library & MAGIC.
Delaware – The "DataMil" is another geography network and meta data explorer
Florida – Florida Geographic Data Library (GIS datasets) – See also Labins (Aerials/Topos/DEM etc) – http://data.labins.org/2003/ Also noteworthy, Central Florida GIS. The CFGIS initiative seeks to increase coordination among users of geographic information systems in Central Florida. Its two primary components are a regional users group and a data clearinghouse. The portal provides access to community message boards, data, and other useful user resources. http://www.cfgis.org
Georgia – Georgia GIS Data Clearinghouse (registration required) An excellent search tool. A GIS Data Clearinghouse that provides universal access to a comprehensive spatial information warehouse that is cooperatively developed and actively maintained in conjunction with innovative tools and services to extend the utility and societal benefits of spatial information technologies to all the citizens of Georgia.
Hawaii – The State Office of Planning is responsible for the planning and coordination of activities that are critical to the State?s enterprise GIS. The primary goal of the Statewide GIS Program is to improve overall efficiency and effectiveness in government decision-making. See also the Hawaii State GIS Program at http://hawaii.gov/dbedt/gis/
Idaho – Inside Idaho’s State GIS Clearinghouse. The mission of the Idaho Geospatial Committee is to provide a forum for the GIS community to facilitate the use, development, sharing and management of geospatial data; and to communicate the value of geospatial information to citizens and decision-makers – This is made possible via the State’s Inside Idaho web portal.
Illinois – Illinois Natural Resources Geospatial Data Clearinghouse . Access Illinois GIS data sets and documentation (metadata) for ArcIMS Interactive Map Services, USGS digital topographic maps, aerial photography, orthoimagery, orthophotography, geology, land use, natural resources, and infrastructure. Illinois data sets and map data layers are available for download free of charge.
Indiana – The Indiana Spatial Data Portal (Indiana University) The Indiana Spatial Data Portal (ISDP) provides access to more than 17 terabytes of Indiana geospatial data. Most datasets are available to the public for download and have no use restrictions.
also… INGISI – Indiana GIS provides the backbone that enables visitors to search for data and maps through the Data Clearinghouse. Additionally, a vast amount of GIS data and related information is accessible via this fine portal. Locate a professional using the Rolodex, access numerous State Webmapping resources, find educational information.
Iowa – The Natural Resources Geographic Information System (NRGIS) Library is the geographic information system (GIS) developed and maintained by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR). It is a collection of more than 15,000 geographically referenced databases
Kansas – The Kansas Geosapatial Commons. The Kansas Geospatial Community Commons (KGCC) is an initiative of the Kansas GIS Policy Board and the Data Access & Support Center (DASC). KGCC is designed to be a place for state and local governments and the private sector to share & discover geospatial information & connect with the Kansas GIS community.
Kentucky – Kentucky Division of Geographic Information – DGI. DGI is responsible for encouraging, coordinating, and implementing GIS programs within the Commonwealth of Kentucky. DGI works with both state and local government, and serves as a liaison to federal mapping agencies.
Louisiana – Louisiana Geographic Information Center. LAGIC was established by the Louisiana GIS Council (LGISC) and the Louisiana Office of E-Services to facilitate the distribution of geographic information, provide technical assistance, and support GIS data development among state, federal, and local government. See more here
Maine – he Maine GIS State GIS Clearinghouse . MEGIS provides technical support for Maine GIS data, estimates on custom mapping, as well as consultation on data and application development. Visitors to MEGIS will find the latest news updates, a great GIS rolodex, free data downloads, and much more.
Maryland – Global Land Cover Facility (GLCF) – The GLCF develops and distributes remotely sensed satellite data and products concerned with land cover from the local to global scales. This fabulous resource is a must visit for anyone seeking small scale Global coverage for large areas. Data holdings include Landsat scenes, MODIS, ASTER, Quickbird imagery (high res) and SRTM DEMs. Primary data and products available at the GLCF are free to anyone via FTP. Be sure to also check out the U of Maryland
Massachusetts – Executive Office of Environmental Affairs (EOEA)/MassGIS a complete data repository, now also providing 2008 ortho imagery. You’ll also find Image Data, Census/Statistical Data, Coastal and Marine Features, Conservation/Recreation data and much more.
Michigan – Michigan Center for Geographic Information (CGI). The Michigan Center for Geographic Information (CGI) provides leadership, technical expertise and policy for the development, use, dissemination, promotion and sharing of geographic information in the state of Michigan. Of particular interest to the GISuser, the data library with more than 60 data layers available.
Map Michigan |
Minnesota – The Minnesota Geographic Data Clearinghouse provides a number of ways to find information about Minnesota’s geographic information system data resources. We suggest you also visit the geoGateway
Mississippi – Mississippi Automated Resource Information System (MARIS) is the center of GIS data haldings in MS… USers can search and retrieval of data descriptions (metadata), retrieval of Mississippi data sets, posting of news related to GIS developments, announcements of upcoming meetings and events, mapping of data sets, access and retrieval to aerial photography covering Mississippi.
Missouri – Missouri Geographic Information Systems Advisory Committee
Montana – Montana State Library, Natural Resource Information System. A gateway to geospatial information and data for the State of Montana. Extensive collection of vector GIS data, raster topographic maps, and aerial photos, with links to on-line map services and other data collections. See also the State of Montana Base Map Service Center and the Montana GIS Portal
Nebraska – The Nebraska Geospatial Data Center provides web access to a wide variety of geospatial databases developed and/or maintained by various state, federal and local government agencies, academic institutions, and private entities. This one-stop enterprise portal for on-line searching, accessing, displaying and mapping available geo-data relating to the geographic area of Nebraska.
Nevada – The Nevada GIS Society. The Nevada State Mapping Advisory Committee (SMAC) is an organizing body in Nevada charged with the development of the State’s GIS Clearinghouse. Additionally, they organize annual conferences and maintain the non-profit Nevada Geographic Information Society. A formal clearinghouse is in the planning stages and in the meantime SMAC maintains a website that provides links to agencies that provide GIS coverages. See also http://www.nbmg.unr.edu/geoinfo/geoinfo.htm and http://keck.library.unr.edu/
New Hampshire – New Hamshire GIS data online at NH GRANIT. The NH GRANIT Web Site provides access to New Hampshire’s statewide geographic information system. The mission of New Hampshire GIS is to promote the efficient use of New Hampshire’s diverse resources by utilizing geographically related information in an effective way and by providing geographic information and corresponding tools to citizens and organizations.
New Jersey – The New Jersey Geographic Information Network (NJGIN), Users can search and download data, look for a job, download imagery, use the discussion forum and more. Of particular interest to the GISuser, the site has available (for free) The 2002 Orthophotos in MrSID format.
New Mexico – New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System Program (RGIS). RGIS is a cooperative program between the University of New Mexico (UNM) and the State of New Mexico Information Technology Commission (ITC). They are dedicated to advancing applications of GIS technology within New Mexico’s State agencies, local government and private industry while also providing access to data, training, and technical support for geographic information users, as well as those who desire to incorporate geographic information into their processes and apps.
New York – New York State GIS Clearinghouse is a complete resource for NY State GIS data holdings provided via a webmapping gateway – be sure to see the ortho imagery app!
North Carolina – North Carolina One Map. NC OneMap is a public service providing comprehensive discovery and access to North Carolina’s geospatial data resources. See also NC DOT for a wealth of GIS data http://www.ncdot.org/it/gis/
North Dakota – North Dakota GIS Web Site. The data, interactive maps, and information presented here are the results of a collaborative effort by North Dakota state agencies and private enterprise. The data, interactive maps, and other information available here are the results of a collaborative effort by North Dakota state agencies, local government, and private enterprise.
Ohio – OGRIP (Ohio Geographically Referenced Information Program) is an organization whose goals are to: encourage the creation of digital geographic data of value to multiple users, foster the ability to easily determine what geographic data exists and foster the ability to easily access and use this data.
Oklahoma – The Center for Spatial Analysis (CSA) at the University of Oklahoma is a multidisciplinary university research center specializing in the study and application of geospatial science and technology. See also the Oklahoma Center for Geospatial Information http://www.seic.okstate.edu/
Oregon – Oregon Geospatial Enterprise Office (GEO). OGEO helps to coordinate GIS activities in the state, facilitates communication about GIS issues, and maintains the website that hosts statewide geospatial data for the State of Oregon, the Oregon Geospatial Data Clearinghouse (OGDC). GEO is primarily funded through an assessment paid by all state agencies. Their mission is simple… To provide statewide leadership in promoting the use of GIS technology and to ensure the availability of easily accessible, high quality geographic information. See also http://www.gis.state.or.us
Pennsylvania – Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA). PASDA serves as the the Commonwealth’s node on the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), Geospatial One Stop, and the National Biological Information Infrastructure. Pennsylvania’s official public access geospatial information clearinghouse, PASDA provides a wealth of data, information, and educational resources that will impress.
Rhode Island – Rhode Island GIS
South Carolina – DNR GIS Data Clearinghouse. The purpose of this site is to make available the GIS data that SCDNR has been developing since 1989.
South Dakota – the South Dakota State GIS Node. The Clearinghouse currently reads more like a GIS 101 providing a definition of GIS and a history of GIS activities in the State. Discussion of "base data" like DRG, DEM, and DOQQs is presented but there’s no access to these data here. The other links on the portal are pretty much even less useful as far as I can tell… a weak message board and a training link lead to very little information. On a more positive note, some links to interactive maps have been provided. These lead to some basic ArcIMS services which show us that there has been some efforts in the past to publish something to the web. Try also the APTA http://www.apta.com/government_affairs/GIS/sd.cfm
Tennessee – The Tennessee Federal GIS Data Server. Developed by a consortium of Federal GIS personnel throughout the state of Tennessee, this server distributes spatial data layers that are shared among Federal, State, and local GIS facilities. Using this fine resource, visitors have simple and fast access tenabling download of DOQQs, DEM, and DRG data for the State of Tennessee. Another great GIS data portal and a must bookmark for those requiring spatial data for Tennessee.
Texas – THE place in TX is TNRIS, a subsidiary of the TX Water Development Board.
ALSO, see The Texas Hazard Mitigation Package (THMP), is a free online resource http://www.thmp.info/
Utah – Utah GIS Portal
Vermont – VT Geographic Information System (VGIS) Data Warehouse. You can download free Vermont GIS data here including regional and local coverages.
Virginia – Virginia NAIP Data via VITA. The USDA partnered with Virginia for the 2008 NAIP program which allowed for full state coverage, improved accuracy, and delivery of a "four band" image which includes an additional near infrared band.
Washington – Washington State Geospatial Data Clearinghouse is part of the NSDI network – The WA DNR is also a MUST visit at http://fortress.wa.gov/dnr/app1/dataweb/dmmatrix.html
Washington D.C. – DC GIS Data Clearinghouse – The mission of the DC Geographic Information System (DC GIS) is to improve the quality and lower the cost of services provided by the DC government, through the District’s collective investment and effective application of geospatial data and systems.
West Virginia – The WV GIS Clearinghouse. The WV GIS TC has an ambitious goal to provide focus, direction and leadership to users of geographic information systems (GIS), digital mapping and remote sensing within the State of West Virginia. Data hounds will be pleased to find loads of freely available data products available here, in addition to many other useful GIS resources. The West Virginia GIS Technical Center provides statewide GIS services to advance the State’s Spatial Data Infrastructure. A few of these services include the State Data Clearinghouse, a GIS People Directory, and the MapWV.gov web mapping portal
Bookmark this site for sure… http://wvgis.wvu.edu/index.php
Wisconsin – Wisconsin Land Information Clearinghouse (WISCLINC)
Wyoming – Wyoming Spatial Data Clearinghouse node of the National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse, a component of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), operated by the Office of GIS. 2002 USGS DOQQs are now available
Finally, if you can’t locate what you need, then your MUST visit is the USGS Seamless data server. Most users know about it (or should know about it), therefore, as a result it sometimes gets forgotten. Think of the seamless data distribution system as the grand-daddy of the USGS geospatial repositories… and then some! This site has complete coverage of theNational Elevation Dataset that supercedes Digital Elevation Models, complete DOQQ coverage, over 30 TB of urban imagery, one-time coverage of full resolution Landsat imagery, and much more. Also, the data are seamless, so you can put a box aroundthe data without having to figure out quadrangles and then having to assemble them all. Here’s some details from our friends at the USGS if you need to hear more… See http://seamless.usgs.gov/ or see also http://www.gisuser.com/content/view/10201/53/
Thanks to all the members of the GISuser LinkedIn group who provided comments and clearinghouse tips and kudos to Matt and the contributors of The GIS Forum for their input as well!
Other GIS Data Reources:
- See the http://www.nsgic.org for valuable State Clearinghouse links and updates and see this list of FGDC Suggested State Clearinghouse Websites
- For more than 100 Spatial Data clearinghouse features see our Data Spotlights Section
- GISuser Data Articles, Free Data Tips and tutorials
- GISuser Guide to USGS Orthoimagery and DOQQs
- A Primer on working with SDTS Data
- The GISuser’s Guide to locating and downloading Free USGS data
A suggestion to coordinators of State GIS activities… I would urge you all to agree upon a naming convention, perhaps something to the effect of "The XXXXX State GIS Clearinghouse" (or similar) enabling fast, simple web search to locate "official" State GIS repositories. Also, as State GIS repository websites become obsolete, consider providing a redirect weblink to the current State GIS node… no more Error page not found messages!
This is a VERY common landing page when conducting Google searches for State GIS data links!
If you’d like to suggest a data clearinghouse resource, please use this handy form… thanks for the input!