LIDAR Magazine

So, you want to implement an RSS feed. Now what?

What is RSS?RSS or Really Simple Syndication is an XML-based format for content distribution. Chances are on most popular "news" web portals you’ll see the familiar orange RSS or XML icon. So how do you implement RSS into your website? Read on for some useful information.

Why should I use these feeds?
Compared to other methods of content delivery such as email, RSS allows you to subscribe to a feed anonymously and be in complete control of that subscription. Via your RSS feed aggregator you can subscribe or unsubscribe at any time and not worry about receiving unwanted solicitations or giving up your private information. Likewise since RSS is a neutral data-only format served from a secure server you avoid problems such as spam or viruses.

How do I use these feeds?
Users can use a news aggregator or feed reader application to read our feeds, as well as the feeds from thousands of other web sites, directly on their computers. Webmasters can also parse these feeds to display syndicated news content and other frequently updated information on their own web sites. For example, you can use this RSS feed to add news headlines to your website or use this feed to add news to your site!

The quickest way to get started using our feeds is to download a news aggregator and subscribe to any of the feeds listed on this page (via the orange RSS buttons).

News Aggregators
BlogExpress– A free, stand-alone feed reader for Windows
NewsGator – Delivers feeds directly to Outlook
Pluck – Peruse feeds in your browser
NetNewsWire – A reader for the Mac OSX
Lifera – An open-source Linux feed reader.

If youre new to RSS and syndication, we also suggest visiting Lockergnomes RSS Resource and check out their QuickStart Guide, RSS Q&A,and comprehensive listing of resources.

For some detailed information about RSS, please see this fine piece from Technology at Harvard Law.

Thanks to Rick and our friends at for providing with this fine education primer on RSS. To register for one of’s many RSS news feeds, please see

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