The development of the Wetlands Mapper stems from the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services need to expand and improve the availability of digital wetlands data. The Services strategic plan for digital wetland data is focused on the development, updating, and dissemination of wetlands data and information to Service resource managers and the public. The development of the Wetlands Mapper is in direct response to the need to integrate digital map data with other resource information to produce timely and relevant management and decision support tools.
The Wetlands Mapper is designed to promote greater awareness of wetlands map data applications and deliver easy to use, maps of America’s wetland resources in a digital format. It has been developed in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). This Federal partnership is yielding tremendous benefits in ongoing efforts to configure, improve and distribute the wetlands map information using newer technologies in computerized mapping and web serving capabilities.
Wetland Mapper nowprovides improved views and access to seamless wetlands habitat data with direct links to The National Map.
Characteristics of Wetlands Mapper
- Data are from the Wetlands Master Geodatabase. This provides a truly seamless digital wetland data layer and map data in a single standard projection.
- The new wetlands map site is Section 508 compliant.
- Project goals, data limitations and uses are provided for the users.
- Enhanced analytical tools are provided.
- The new Mapper is OGC (Open GIS Consortium) compliant.
- ArcIMS site administrators can connect to the new Wetlands Mapper servers and include wetlands into their own ArcIMS viewers as background layers.
About Wetlands Digital Data – Download NWI Wetlands data by Quadrangle
The National Wetlands Inventory is now using an HTTP server. Users can download one map file or one zipped 1:250,000 map folder (includes all available data, up to 128 map files) at a time. Select a data file or folder, then click the right mouse button to use the copy option.
How do I find the folder containing the NWI map I need? NWI digital map data are organized in folders by USGS.
Download Shapedata(UTM NAD83) for single quads or Download 1:250,000 zipped file folders. These files are in UTM projection, NAD83 (includes reprojected NAD27 data and "updated" NAD83 data).
Download Personal Geodatabases (UTM NAD83) Updated NWI geodatabase files or new digital data for which there are no NWI hardcopy maps. Examples available.
Download ARC data (UTM NAD27) for single quads or download 1:250,000 zipped file folders.
Download Updated ARC data (UTM NAD83) for single quads or download 1:250,000 zipped file folders.