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Author: Ted Mort
Whats the Point with Survey Control?
O.K., before I get started I just want to make sure everyone knows that I come from a Civil/Survey background and deeply respect…
Building a Bricoleur
Definition from Dictionary.com: bricolage/ [bree-kuh–lahzh, brik-uh-] noun, plural bricolages / [bree-kuh–lah-zhiz, lahzh] bricolage. 1. a construction made of whatever materials are at hand;…
To Train or Not to Train
Theres been a recent push among some of our clients to start bringing 3d imaging systems in-house; its nothing new but it has…
What Happened to Jim!?
Earlier this year our team was approached with an opportunity to work with an Arizona contractor who was pursuing a bridge renovation project….
The AutoCAD Point Cloud Tool Set
As the Operations Manager of a 3d imaging service provider (Precision 3d Scanning), a large amount of my time is spent figuring out…