Author: Ted Mort

Ted Mort

Ted Mort: Operations Manager of Precision 3D Scanning, incorporates his diverse background in geomatics, computer science and construction to propel 3d imaging into the forefront of applied measurement in AEC. Mr. Mort has worked with renowned clients to successfully integrate advanced technology into their work flows.
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Building a Bricoleur

Definition from bricolage/ [bree-kuh–lahzh, brik-uh-] noun, plural bricolages / [bree-kuh–lah-zhiz, lahzh] bricolage. 1. a construction made of whatever materials are at hand;…


To Train or Not to Train

Theres been a recent push among some of our clients to start bringing 3d imaging systems in-house; its nothing new but it has…


What Happened to Jim!?

Earlier this year our team was approached with an opportunity to work with an Arizona contractor who was pursuing a bridge renovation project….